I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical missionary work.
- Evangelism, 523

No better time than now
to become a Medical Missionary.
Jesus is coming soon!
Are you looking for a purpose?
Do you want to help fulfill the "great commission?"
Do you know how to give a Bible study?
Are you able to give home care treatments to others?
Are you looking forward to Jesus' soon coming?

H.O.P.E. Health Resort is a biblically-based Christian health and wellness center dedicated to the furtherance of the everlasting gospel.
By precept and example, we strive to produce proficient medical missionaries with the knowledge and skills to efficiently and effectively minister to the
needs of both soul and body.
We offer a highly intensive and accelerated six-month certified medical missionary training program to highly motivated individuals seeking to follow in the footsteps of the great Medical Missionary, Jesus Christ.
Our program is designed to provide the apprentice with the knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently and effectively share the everlasting gospel while providing natural therapeutic treatments and health and wellness consultations. These combined efforts will aid in bringing the body back into harmony with the laws of nature. It will also prepare our apprentices to be dependable, compassionate, and professional while caring for and serving those in need. Therefore, the emphasis is placed on daily studies focusing on lectures, textbooks, hands-on practical applications, critical thinking, integrative therapeutics, and in-depth biblical studies while keeping the life and work of Jesus Christ at the forefront of the mind.

Experienced Instructors:
Our instructors have vast experience in their chosen fields of ministry and are dedicated servants of Jesus. The classes they teach are gospel-centered and include their own experiences, trials, and successes in following Jesus, becoming His disciples, and sharing His story through their own life.
Dr. Joseph McCall
Mark West
Ashlee West
For a more comprehensive list of the courses we offer...
Jesus, the CHRIST
Quotes about the importance of the medical missionary work from the Spirit of Prophecy:
"The medical missionary work is the pioneer work of the gospel, the door through which the truth for this time is to find entrance to many homes. God’s people are to be genuine medical missionaries, for they are to learn to minister to the needs of both soul and body. The purest unselfishness is to be shown by our works as, with the knowledge and experience gained by the practice work, they go out to give treatments to the sick. As they go from house to house they will find access to many hearts.”
–Welfare Ministry, 125
Christ’s Method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as One who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, “Follow Me.”
—Ministry of Healing, 143
Make Christ’s work your example. Constantly He went about doing good — feeding the hungry and healing the sick. No one who came to Him for sympathy was disappointed.
—Welfare Ministry, 53
Christ stands before us as a pattern Man, the great Medical Missionary—an example for all who should come after.
—Welfare Ministry, 53
We are to do the same work that the great Medical Missionary undertook in our behalf. We are to follow the path of self-sacrifice trodden by Christ.