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Getting started can feel overwhelming at times. With my system I make it easy.

Here we will talk about how I got my start and I will try and answer some of the questions you may be asking yourself. First, what is your reason for wanting to be a real estate investor? I want you to answer some questions:

1. Are you making enough money to live in your dream home?

2. Are you making enough money to drive your dream car?

3. Do you work for yourself, making your own hours, creating your own deadlines or are you working for some else with a glass ceiling?

4. Do you have enough money that if your kid gets sick you can actually take the day off without fear of not having enough money to pay a bill?

5.Are you able to do the things you love and are passionate about?

6. Do you have enough money to spend time with your family? Maybe going on vacation, or being their when they get home from school? Do you get to eat together as a family?


Maybe you want to get out of debt, buy a house, work for yourself, become wealthy or maybe its your passion. Whatever the reason is; the goal is to reach that outcome as quickly as possible.


You may be saying "Jackie, I don't need to be rich" Your right, I don't want you to be rich, I want you to be wealthy. I want you to build your empire in real estate. I want you to allow someone else's money to make your money. Then you make money from that money and that is how you build wealth. 


Its okay to want to be wealthy. I doesn't make you greedy. It doesn't mean you are a person that has a love of money. It means you want a better life for yourself. I'm not saying money buys happiness. But try living without money and see how happy you are. Life is easier with money. Its my personal belief that money will magnify who you already are. If you are a generous person, you will become even more generous.


I've also learned that money attracts money. Successful people want to work with other successful people. When I was starting out, completely broke, I had one suit and it was pristine! It was all white. I looked like a million bucks!  When I would meet with potential new investors I was ready to go. Everything perfectly in place. My energy and passion high but I still had a confidence and slight arrogance. I have never asked for money one time in my entire career. I always presented myself in such a professional manner that the investors would come to me and ask me to do a deal like it was their idea. Which is exactly what I wanted. Don't get me wrong, Its not that I didn't need the money. Oh I did. Matter of fact I was secretly desperate for it,  But I have seen my share of desperate business people and it was a complete turn off. People that are desperate for money do not make informed or thought out business decisions. They are in too much of a hurry to get money without a plan. I learned it was the people that did not need the money that made professional business decisions.


I always wanted my investors to feel like I was their because I wanted to be there. Not because I needed to be or because I needed their money. In my mind, I was doing them a favor. I was solving a problem for them giving them a safe place to invest their money.


Remember, it doesn't take money to make money. It takes research and resources to make money. You have to educate yourself in real estate. We are a society of countless media resources. You can always watch YouTube video's while soaking in the tub or listen to a podcast on your way to work. You have to find time to learn. There are resources every where if you just look. 

Is it always no money down?


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Jackie Coffey
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